City Buys More Art

On June 6, 2023, the artpiece “Timeline Theory and Reflections” was purchased for $1,000. It was available to be purchased by the public for $7,000 but it was discounted to the city because of the inability of the artist to retrieve the art piece as he is sick and lives in Seattle. Would you drop $1,000 on a piece of art? We previously covered the city’s budget and projected shortfall here. Dan Gookin contends that the art budget is separate and that “additional revenues have come in, so the city is in good financial shape.” Although art is expensive, it does help to enrich the culture of Coeur d’ Alene. This piece can be found on 3rd and Sherman.

Election Results: Good for Schools; Bad for Books?

Over 44,000 voters cast ballots in the election, a record turn out for “non-partisan” races. An overwhelming majority passed the levy for District 271, although not as high as the 70% predicted here. As predicted, Tim and Tom won the library trustee positions and attempted to seek new legal counsel for the library district.

In March 2023, the previous library trustees created a library card for minors which would allow parents to authorize the level of content minors can access. After much public indignation and persecution, the new board members first action is to seek a different legal opinion. With moderate degree of certainty, it can be surmised that the new trustees want to take steps into censorship and ban objectionable books from the library. Pending meetings will be held in executive session.