CdA School District 271 Endorsement

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Zone 1: Vote Allie Anderton

Third term hopeful Lisa May is the most experienced, best-spoken and, perhaps, most highly educated candidate for CdA school board. We are grateful for the time, effort, and sacrifice she has given in the service of our community. While this makes her an obvious choice, public opinion reveals her apparent advantage may be her achilles heel. Local parents who wished to remain anonymous described her as obstinate and a better ruler than a representative while voicing disappointment in her lack of compromise and distrust of common sense during the pandemic. Lisa did not respond for comment.

For a board member who will hopefully work well with others we endorse third-generation CdA resident and parent with kids in 271 schools Allie Anderton for Zone 1.

Zone 5: Vote Rebecca Smith

While less vocal during her tenure on the school board, Rebecca has skillfully managed maintaining common sense while seeking to follow expert advice. We see no reason to unseat Rebecca Smith from her position and look forward to her continued advocacy for common sense solutions that put kids first. Rebecca Smith for Zone 5.

Zone 4: Vote Lesli Bjerke

Although we endorse Lesli Bjerke, our rationale is based on her opponent Lindsey Swingrover, who is, perhaps, the most impressive candidate of all trustee candidates. Her signs populate the vast majority of lawns with signs in Zone 4. She is passionate about our kids and schools. Her disposition is grippingly sincere. She has clearly fought for many causes close to her heart and arguably has the highest emotional intelligence among the entire field of candidates. She seemed to indicate that taking kids out of school last year was a mistake during the CdA Press candidate forum. She seems the perfect candidate but she has two problems. 

First, her campaign literature is disingenuous in touting partisan connections alluding to ideals vastly disparate from what she tweets on Twitter. This leads us to her second problem, her social media presence where she describes Idaho as “broken,” “godforsaken,” calling our representative to congress a “monster” and referring to our new neighbors who call themselves political refugees as “extremists.” She went so far as describing our community as worse than when the Aryan Nations were here. These are frightful characterizations and should disqualify her from serving in a non-partisan position in desperate need of a unifyer. Barring her vitriolic tweets which surfaced we would have ignorantly endorsed her wholeheartedly. Screenshots of her tweets are here. Lindsey did not respond for comment or clarification regarding her tweets. Zone 4 Endorsement: Lesli Bjerke

Cover Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash