CdA: NIMBY, BANANAS, or Just Right?

Tonight at city council Kaufman Estates development team will appeal last month’s denial from the planning commission. We reported on the original request in 2022. Many neighbors attended the August planning commission meeting to voice opposition. The debate centered around whether or not the proposed development fits in with the character of surrounding homes. One neighbor said he’d rather look into the backyard of one home rather than five. It appears to be the first PUD request of 2023.

By right, the developer, Kaufman, can build over a dozen duplexes. He claims, however, that he would like to develop twin homes–a product that allows unique owners for each unit regardless of the shared wall and roof.

The meeting dynamics will be interesting. There is a housing shortage–especially for affordable housing. Council members English, Gookin, and Wood are up for re-election and will hear from many constituents who oppose the project.

Proposed layout

Architectural Rendering