Who is Clark Albritton, the Candidate?


Mr. Albritton has a long tenure as a resident of CdA. He is running on a platform of limiting population growth and its impacts. However, after our review of his public comments here, here, and at a local campaign event, he ultimately fails to make a case against his opponent.  

When asked to give an example of council action he disagrees with over the past few years he cited the purchase of the SWAT vehicle. We covered the SWAT purchase here. Mr. Albritton claimed the vehicle purchase was 500k, much higher than published not only in our review but also here. Maybe he’d be a great council member. It just seems he hasn’t been paying attention. Maybe he will in the future. 

Perhaps Albritton’s achilles heel is the endorsement he proudly touts from a local political party. He is endorsed by the same organization that took over the NIC Board of Trustees and the Community Library Network. Both organizations incurred hefty and ongoing legal bills while facing increased insurance costs and suffering from contentious and disruptive meetings. The endorsement by Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) serves as a red flag to those who value civility and a balanced and measured approach to change.

Needless to say, in our opinion, he fails to grasp the issues at hand as his campaign website says: “Radical ideologies are taking grip, inserting tyrannical control wherever possible as global agendas are being implemented without local voice or scrutiny.” 

CdA News gives Clark Albritton, the candidate, a grade of: D.

Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash

After meeting with both candidates, The CdA News endorses Dan Gookin, flaws and all, for city council, seat #3.

Who is Dan Gookin, the Candidate?

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Has a record on which to run. While he has regularly, but infrequently (and not disruptively), opined and pushed for different outcomes, he has been ineffective in convincing his fellow council members to change their opinion on substantive matters. 

Approved council’s action regarding invocations to be open to all.* However, after one round of lottery he exercised his astute political prowess by letting invocations die on the vineHe claims to be a fiscal conservative but has overseen the bulging budget and spends money the city doesn’t have.

He has a temper and vulgar vocabulary which he isn’t afraid to use. As a public official, a little decorum would be nice and inspire the next generation to rise in civil discourse. He has degenerated to Trump-like politics with name calling and demonizing. He isn’t afraid of double standards. Evidence of this occurred when he stated that his “Rants” are his personal life and shouldn’t be considered in his council seat candidacy. However, publicly and privately, he has lambasted his opponent for issues in his “private life.” He also blocked a neighbor from posting to a neighborhood chat after said neignbor invited the neighborhood to meet and greet current candidates for city council.

Having said all that, he is responsive. He understands the city. He cares about the city. He tries to follow the law and work within the structure of the city council. He’s not perfect, but he’s not going to ruin the city. He’ll keep the sewers flowing and the water clean. And, he’ll get back to you. He previously committed to retiring from the city council citing belief in term limits.

 CdA News Grade for Dan Gookin: