Who Should You Vote into Office?

After looking closely at all candidates including interviewing, hosting meet and greets the CdA News proudly endorses the following candidates:

City Council: Dan Gookin, Christie Wood, Dan English

CDA School District 271: Heather Tenbrink, Jimmy McAndrew

Dan English vs Roger Garlock

This will be the closest election of them all. Dan English vs Roger Garlock. Roger Garlock could easily pass as Dan English from decades ago. We observed them in their candidate forums online and through in-person interactions. Both candidates worked for years with many non-profits, spoke softly, and seemed slow to anger. Both candidates are likable and approachable. Potential liabilities for each candidate are as follows: Dan English voted yes on Coeur Terre, which is upsetting to neighbors in Indian Meadows. He serves on ignitecda, the urban renewal district, which receives frequent fire from opponents and fellow council member Dan Gookin.

Roger Garlock accepted the endorsement from the KCRCC. This will prove to be his largest liability due to community backlash against the KCRCC for the turmoil they engineered at NIC and the Community Library Network. However, Roger paid attention to city issues over the last few years and has not voiced radical rhetoric espoused by his endorsers. However, he endorses the KCRCC candidate panel regardless of their diminished level of understanding.

Both candidates get the same grade: B. 

This one will be a toss up. It feels like Dan English is happy to be replaced by Roger Garlock. Neither will rock the boat too much.

Wood vs Winkler

Christie Wood served on the City Council for several years. She also volunteered as an elected NIC trustee for nearly 20 years. She entangled herself in North Idaho College’s turmoil. However, after she left the college, NIC challenges grew substantially. Clearly NIC problems stem from the current board majority rather than Christie Wood’s covert influence. We covered some of Christie’s blunders on council but in general she is nice and wants to do right by the city, it’s employees and citizens. CdA News grades Christie Wood: B

Brian Winkler moved to Coeur d’Alene two years ago and runs on a platform of fear and conspiracy. We reviewed his platform on his website, interview online, and performance at a debate. From those performances, it is doubtful that he understands what the city does, how it operates, and what it controls. In the interview it appears he doesn’t understand the definition of a PUD, nor the implications it has on the property he owns. His other performances left us wondering if he knows what the “Trades” are. Christie Wood’s warm and disarming performance at the Coeur Candidate Forum left great advice for Winkler. If he wants to get involved, he should volunteer in a city commission (parking, parks, planning, etc). He claims CdA 2030, now rebranded “Connect Kootenai” is in cahoots with the “[evil UN 2030 agenda]”. CdA News grades Brian Winkler the candidate: DNF (Did not Finish) 

With more attention he may be a good candidate for the future. We hope his interest in the city will continue.